Wednesday 11 September 2013

Introduction to Media- Why I chose Media GCSE

I chose Media Studies as one of my GCSE options because media is a subject that I would enjoy to learn about. Also, because I have a strong interest in the topics we will be learning about, such as Magazine covers, Film trailers and many more. I chose Media as it will also help me in order to chose a career in the future that I will enjoy doing. Another reason is because media studies offers a variety of opportunities that I wouldn't miss out on, for example work experience at The Farm Group in Soho, Central London, which would be a great chance to improve my skills and find out the career choices which involve Media Studies. I also, look forward to using and experimenting with a range of different equipment which are used throughout the time in studying media. Media Studies was a option I knew was worth choosing!


  1. Very single minded. You clearly have a really strong sense of the subject and what you want from it. Reflect now on what skills you have at the moment and how you are going to improve them?

  2. You definitely show a strong interest towards the subject which is a good thing. You could perhaps develop it a little more but even in not much writing you have managed to include a lot.
